#47: How to *Eliminate* Dinner Decision Fatigue!

decision fatigue free download! make things easy stress Apr 12, 2023

Here for your FREE Easy Dinner Decisions Template? You're in the right place!



How much do *dinner decisions* stress you out? ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

We know they're not that hard...and YET, they can cause so much chaos!

They certainly did for me until I decided this was officially a problem worth SOLVING.

The same thing was evident with my clients too. As soon as we started scanning for Decision Fatigue, the conversation always ended up at dinner!

So today, I'm walking you through the process of ELIMINATING Dinner Decision Fatigue.

Is this the most stressful, hardest problem happening in your life right now? Probably not.

But will solving it free up energy, time and mental space — which you can then use to better deal with those bigger problems? ABSOLUTELY.

And if you happen to be in one of those lovely Drama-Light Life Chapters then double YAY, because you just get more bandwidth to ENJOY your everyday!

Grab your free template so you can see exactly how to Easify your Dinner Decisions. ๐Ÿ‘‡



 It includes 3 different options, to account for different brains liking different systems. 

  • Option 1 is for the Detail Enthusiast who wants to choose dinners from a list of preset meals
  • Option 2 is for the Curator who wants to put together each dinner from lists of ingredients
  • And Option 3 is for the Option Lover who doesn't want or need to commit to a meal plan in advance, but who does wanna make shopping & cooking decisions way easier


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