#65: EXPERT INTERVIEW! Food Decisions & Thoughts About Your Body w/Intuitive Eating Coach Victoria Yates

make things easy overthinking overwhelm self-compassion stress taking action Aug 17, 2023

How do we make easier, better, more self-honoring decisions when it comes to FOOD and how we think about our bodies?

Well, if you're like me, you have a lifetime of influences that makes this a complicated question.

This year though, I decided I wanted answers (and good ones), so I hired Intuitive Eating Coach Victoria Yates! I gotta be honest - I had no idea what "intuitive eating" was (and frankly didn't really care). I just wanted to clean up this drama that wasn't going away on its own.

Listen in for:

  • Why decisions about what we eat & how we see ourselves feel so easy to "get wrong"
  • How diets and rule systems don't work for long-term ease OR results (spoiler: it's because they all bypass the physical body...for a rule & system lover, this was a big Aha for me)
  • What to do if decisions about food feel fraught, overwhelming, exhausting and/or intimidating

Victoria is a former nurse turned intuitive eating & body image coach for women. She specializes in helping women to stop dieting & love their bodies by learning how to eat intuitively & healing their relationship with food.

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