You're invited to the
Three days. Real help. Decisions made.
You've been ruminating, back-and-forthing & avoiding long enough.
What if you could guarantee that you'll be decided (and ready to move forward!) by 12/7?
3 Daily Virtual Mini-Masterclasses & Live Coaching (+ replays!)
Clarity creates momentum.
The sooner you're clear on all the things, the sooner you can get going on them.
But "all the things" can be hard to think through when LIFE takes up all your time & bandwidth!
That's why we're creating a dedicated space to decide.
The Decide-a-thon is for you if you need to decide what to commit to, when to take action, and how to get it all done.
...But you're afraid of choosing wrong, upsetting people or being overwhelmed.
Or if you literally won't get around to making these choices 'til JUNE of 2023 best!
Real-talk, if you're not decided yet (on any choice, big or small) it's because there's a fear or question you still need to address.
Which makes sense, because those can feel overwhelming — final — hard!
I'll help you address your fears & unknowns:
✔️ Thoroughly
✔️ Honestly
So you can act on what you REALLY WANT, make the decision(s) you've been stuck on, and move forward.
We'll coach on all this over the course of three days (Mon 12/5-Wed 12/7), and you'll leave the Decide-a-thon knowing where you stand & what to do next!
I'm ready to feel decided!
"I feel so confident in the decisions I make now - They don't take up 90% of my brain anymore!" —KJP

I'm Kirsten — the Decision Coach for Overthinkers
I run the Decision Masters Program & Decision Masters Podcast — where I help smart, ambitious people like YOU get outta their heads and feel good about the decisions they make.
So you can use your time & energy on what matters — and stop being super hard on yourself in the process. 🙌
If you're ready to be DECIDED on what you're doing next (or NOT)'re in the right place!

I can hear myself clearly and loudly. It’s easy to make decisions because the next, best thing is just more obvious." —Ariell
🎉 Free up bandwidth
💪 Know where you stand
🧭 Take a step forward
What kind of decisions are we gonna make at the Decide-a-thon??
Instead of spending the next three months making & changing your mind about What am I even doing?? — you'll use a practical, tried-and-tested method to decide and make real progress you're proud of.
You've tried having the same conversation with yourself about this, on repeat inside your own head. Since that hasn't worked — you'll pick the most valuable question to answer next & give yourself a way forward.
Rather than sit around dreading repercussions, or not speak your truth, or even risk choosing what you DON'T want — you'll equip yourself to make and stick to an authentic choice, no matter what.
As opposed to feeling overwhelmed every day and just hoping things work out — you'll avoid burnout by clarifying what's essential & what's not, and you'll decide how to organize your time to support that.
Here's what to expect!
- You're committing to make decisions: This requires accountability! Join the Private FB Group to declare the decisions you're here to make & ask me for help as you work through them. 🙌
- Show up for the live daily calls (or watch the replays) to empower yourself to DECIDE with confidence
- Get bonus value from the 3 Daily Mini-Workshops!
- Uncomplicate Every Choice 🔹 How to Make Regret-Free Decisions 🔹 Guarantee Your Follow-Through
You don't need to know all the answers right now (if you wouldn't be here!) — All you need to do is believe it's possible not to stay STUCK on these things forever.
It is 100% possible for you to know what you want, be ok with the unknowns, and commit to your decisions.
If you'd love this to be true but aren't sure how to get there — you're exactly where you're supposed to be! 👇

"I was feeling overwhelmed by decisions that seemed huge and so heavy. I didn’t have a good sense of what I really wanted.
I didn’t have self-trust, and I was going back and forth.
It was it was literally making me sick, I was so stressed out. I thought I had this potential to actually make the wrong decision and “Oh my God, my life is going to be over.”
Now I’m in the place where I finally feel like I have control over my life and my emotions.
I trust, now more than ever, in my ability to go through the decision. There are a lot of big things happening in my life this year, but it’s not overwhelming at all. It is a series of small decisions that I make as I need to make them." —Megan

Day 1: Mon 12/5
10-11:20a PT / 1-2:20p ET
20-minute crash-course in the top 3 ways we overcomplicate decisions & how to bypass them (this alone will change the way you make decisions) 👌
Then we'll dive into your specific goals/questions, and you'll decide what you can right now! It'll feel empowering, energizing, and possibly scary-in-a-good-way.
You may still have questions & unknowns at the end - that's fine. I'll set you up with (fun) homework to deal with them consciously.

Day 2: Tue 12/6
10-11a PT / 1-2p ET
Mini-Masterclass: NO REGRETS
You're not just here to make decisions this week, you wanna TRUST them too. Learn the exact formula I teach my clients to guarantee yourself no regrets. 💪
We'll also do live coaching on any questions/fears from yesterday about what you're deciding.
You'll leave today feeling CLEAR on where you are decided and CLEAR on what you need to think on next!

Day 3: Wed 12/7
11:30a-12:30p PT / 2:30-3:30p ET
Mini-Masterclass: FOLLOW-THROUGH
We'll break down the 3 essentials to stay committed to your decisions (spoiler: "perfection" is not one of them 👍).
Then we'll C-E-L-E-B-R-A-T-E the decisions you've made, and your freedom from overthinking them any longer!
If you have any remaining open questions — which, normal — I'll set you up to answer them & not stay stuck.
And I'll help you craft an actionable game-plan to guarantee your follow-through! 🎉