#42: The One Question to Ask When You're Overloaded

Obbbbbbviously most of us are putting more on our daily plates than we can logistically, energetically or just like, humanly handle β€” can we agree on that? πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ

But Kirsten...I legit have 17,000 things to do AND I'm super capable & hate B- work, so I feel like these are still fair expectations.

I know. 

That's the problem. πŸ˜‘

For a lot of our lives, pushing ourselves to our breaking points, going above and beyond x10 and reeeeeally testing how far we can stretch 4 hours' sleep has resulted in BIG SUCCESS.

Whether that meant high achievement or mere survival of an extreme challenge β€” we learned the same thing: We can cope with A LOT on our list. 

Until we can't. 

If you want to break this cycle (because you've found, as my clients & I have, it turns out living in the constant push-pull of adrenaline rush-burnout is NOT super fun), it will require a MENTAL switch. Not just a nifty trick to time-block your calendar. 

If you're overloaded right now, and you're committed to building a NEW norm, where you still get to work hard & pursue goals but not at the expense of your well-being or life enjoyment, this is the ONE question I want you to ask. ☝️

It'll take less than 5 minutes, and doing this every day for a week will start to change the way you think about your "list" for LIFE. 


More links: 

  • Want help resetting the expectations you set for yourself, so you can keep your high achievement AND you get to enjoy your everyday life? You belong in the Decision Masters Program! https://www.kirstenparker.com/dmp
  • Here's your FREE Overthinker's Checklist: 6 solutions to get outta your head this instant & know exactly where to go next. https://www.kirstenparker.com/checklist
  • Wanna kickstart your momentum? Take the MOMENTUM QUIZ for a 3-step Action Plan to thwart your #1 Momentum Killer 🀩 https://www.kirstenparker.com/quiz