#54: Guilt! Let it Serve You or Let it GO.

We think about guilt in a couple of backwards ways.

Either we feel it ALL the time, and think we "should" / deserve to...

Or we think we're WRONG for feeling it at all, because we "should know better" and this is a silly habit to have as a grown adult. 

I vote NO to both options.

You do not owe it to the universe (or yourself) to feel guilty 1900 times a day. You simply aren't stealing and murdering enough to warrant that amount of remorse!

NOR should you be able to turn this emotion off like a lightswitch, simply because you're able to "rationally" see that it doesn't make sense in a given scenario. (If only humaning were that straightforward, no?)

But humaning is messy. And guilt is an emotion you're going to feel. So let's get intentional about it!

In this episode, I break down the steps we work through in Coaching to rework how GUILT works in your life.

Remember it's a process that requires practice to change this habit. But if it means feeling 90% LESS guilt for the rest of your life, and making WAY more authentic, aligned decisions... worth it!

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