#58: How to Cut Your Frustration in Half (The Resistance Scale)

How much of your daily frustration comes from dealing with stuff not being the way you want? šŸ˜¤

95...maybe 96% minimum? 

This is real!

At some point, it stops mattering if it's a broken dishwasher or a severed finger (not to be gross) ā€” but frustration can become the go-to reaction to almost ANYTHING not going "our way."

And while this often seems justified (or at least unavoidable), it's wasting a TON of your time & energy.

Getting so worked up...potentially judging/shaming yourself for it...then needing to cool off and deal with the thing that upset you in the first place...Not super efficient. And definitely unpleasant!

In this week's episode, I invite you to tune into your Resistance Scale.

You'll learn how to pay attention to how resistant you are automatically to whatever's happening in reality...and how to decide how resistant you WANT to be. 

The truth is, frustration isn't always a useless "bad" thing. Sometimes it has helpful information to deliver. 

This episode will help you learn how to spot that data when it's there ā€” and how to be less reactive (get less frustrated!) when it truly won't do anything but waste your precious resources.

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