#68: How to make authentic choices when you have FOPO (fear of people’s opinions)

How do you tell the difference between "being polite / professional / etc" vs. making an inauthentic choice out of fear of people's opinions? 

Short answer? You either feel in charge of your decision or you don't. 

Even if the choice LOOKS the same (i.e...you agree to meet your weirdest family members in Vegas for Thanksgiving)...

Your decision's motivation impacts the energy it takes to follow-through, your mood & mindset, your sense of agency, the experience you have. 

In short, knowing if your choice to pack your sunscreen & book the flight is AUTHENTIC or not is a huge factor in your well-being, self-concept and (importantly) future decisions. 

This episode walks you all the way through a decision, so you can see what it's like to  maybe want to make someone happy, maybe not wanna piss someone else off, and maybe be unsure of what you authentically wanna do.

You'll see what questions to ask, how to know where you stand, and end up with a decision you feel in charge of and totally trust. 

More links!