#69: When you’re afraid how someone will react (What’s REALLY going on)

So many choices are influenced by our fear of eliciting certain reactions from other people.

This is FOPO in action, right?

Fear of people’s opinions swooping in to compel us to not say what we mean, not advocate for what we want, agree to stuff we don’t want to do...

This mostly happens on a small scale. But when it becomes a decision-making habit, it can result in BIG life choices (where you live, work you do, who you spend your time with). 

Obviously, you don't want to base your biggest decisions on "how So-n-So might react" — and that's what today's episode will help you with.

Listen in on what's REALLY going on when you're afraid of what someone will think / feel / do in response to your choices, and how this can FREE you from making decisions out of FOPO!

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