#98: The Most Useful Question You're NOT Asking Enough

This question will make you more productive, efficient and self-directed.

When used correctly!

Whether you're taking on a big scary goal or trying to lessen the chaos of your day — this question will help you shortcut to powerful action.

How can I make this easier?

If that feels too obvious, wait! Because there's a strategic way to answer it, and you'll be amazed at what you find:

  • Limiting beliefs
  • Assumptions creating obstacles
  • Ways of thinking that you didn't even put in your own head!

I walk you through real-life examples of how to use this question (strategically) to make it easier to see solutions, take action, and not melt into a puddle of overwhelm.

Remember: You can do hard things. AND you can make them easier. 

You've got this.

