#111: Honest vs "Realistic" Self-expectations
Where do the expectations you set for "what you should be able to do" in a day or week or month come from?
I bring news!
If you've:
- Been overscheduling yourself lately
- Or crossing off 1/10th of your To Do List every day for the past year
- Or find yourself constantly disappointed in today's performance because "back in the day" you could do things faster
- ...Or worse: Sheryl over there is coping just fine, so why are you struggling?...
You might be suffering from "Realistic Expectation Syndrome," which is a condition I just made up but is completely real.
Too often, we idealize our capacity and capability to the point that our plans (and To Do Lists) would only be achievable by 6-armed superhumans who don't require sleep.
Be honest: How many times have you looked at tomorrow's jam-packed schedule and said, "Well, if I focused enough or had the right energy, I should realistically be able to do all this"...?
That right there is why today, we're differentiating "realistic" from HONEST.
In the episode, I explain why adopting the latter perspective will not, as you fear, doom you to utter failure and ruin — and why it is, in fact, the KEY to being able to ramp up your productivity and focus when you need to!
- NEW! Decision Mastery Week is coming! Are you in?
- What's your DECISION STYLE? Take the Quiz!
- Need to say NO? Here's your 11-minute Crash Course on Saying NO Guilt-Free.
- Want to work together? Book your free consultation!